EGG-FREETTATA (Gluten, Dairy, Egg Free)
A delicious fried or oven made egg free Frittata rich in flavour and vegetables
Carbonara is one of the best known Italian dish. You must taste our version of it, a creamy and delicious tofu based condiment with Fusilli Pasta!
A home made beans burger patty served with green leaves, veg Mayonnaise, red onion, tomato and seeds. You can also ask for our typical Sicilian Sweet ...
Veg Bolognese (White)
Veg Bolognese sauce with pasta is a typical Italian family dish. The recipe has very simple ingr...
Raw Spaghetti
RAW SPAGHETTI di zucchine carote barbabietola zucca This is a real delicious and natural raw food classic dish that retains all the nutrients of the r...
Pizza di Polenta
What is polenta? Polenta is a word used in Italy to mean a form of ground corn as well as a cooked dish made from the ground corn. Traditional Italian...
You will enjoy the Rosemary Fritters! You can squeeze lemon juice on or add fresh
tomato cubes with oregano, basil and garlic. Optional black olives.
Just Salad
Just Salad, it's always better to start any meal with some fresh salad
Raw Fettuccine
Our Raw Fettuccine recipe. Fresh and Delicious
Just Falafel
A Mediterranean spicy treat very filling. Perfect as a starter, main course or just a snack. Served with hummus and fresh green leaves.
Veg Bolognese (Classic)
Veg Bolognese sauce with pasta is a typical Italian family dish.
The recipe has very simple ingredients that...
Potato Salad Egg free
Salad Olivier is known all over the world, it is also called Russian salad in some countries. We propose an Italian Eartly ve...
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Our Client Says
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Marten, your designation
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